Score for Backing Up; Score for Before; Score for Crossing an Open Field [with Park McArthur]
Score for Backing Up; Score for Before; Score for Crossing an Open Field [with Park McArthur]

[Three blocks of text in matte, non-glossy black vinyl on a white wall. These are instructions for acts of care with two or more people. The scores
function like a poem with line breaks that seem to let some sentences linger, while others are ruptured. As a visual block of text, one score is
taller than it is wide – like a portrait or an opened letter; the other is wider than it is tall like a landscape, field, or sealed envelope.]

Park McArthur & Constantina Zavitsanos
Score for Backing Up; Score for Before; Score for Crossing an Open Field, 2013
text in vinyl
dimensions variable

Courtesy the artists Photo: Niklas Goldbach