Constantina Zavitsanos
Call to Post, 2019/24
Wood, two-channel sound and infrasonics, transducers, wire, and 400–450 nm light (blue-
20 ft x 12 ft x 5 ft


Constantina Zavitsanos
All the time, 2019
HD video: two channel open captions, overlapped
dimensions variable

Installation: Whitney Biennial 2024: Even Better Than The Real Thing, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY; Photo: Filip Wolak

[In a darkened room awash in deep indigo and violet light, a large ramp curls up the back wall. Fourteen visitors rest horizontally on their backs, looking up above, as if beyond the frame of the photograph. On the adjacent wall, two lines of white text are projected as open captions. Legible text reads: "world that doubles not halves."]