I plan to stay a believer
I plan to stay a believer

[Three lightbox images with a dark border each with striated bands of white, green, yellow, images from left to right: silhouettes of two axes, a string of colorful beads, a small plastic bag of nails.]

Constantina Zavitsanos
I plan to stay a believer
dual digital projection where viewer's shadow reveals second video, light boxes, two axe heads, a string of beads, a handful of nails, sound

This installation included a projected image of an engraved marker on Governor's Island, describing the exchange of the island between the Dutch and the Manahatas. A second projector displayed a mapping video game, which can be seen only when a viewer's body blocks the first projector's beam. Light boxes beneath display the items used to purchase the island, according to the plaque: two axe heads, a string of beads, and a handful of nails. Sound played is Curtis Mayfield's 1971 recording, "I plan to stay a believer."